Why Outdoor

♦   Why should you use out of home advertising?

        ★   3 Cs: Creative, Compelling and Cost-effective

       Global's hoardings are situated at premium locations that cannot be ignored – they make for compelling viewing.

       Out Of Home Advertising is on an average 80 per cent less expensive than TV ad time. It costs 60 per cent less than print ad space and is 50 per cent less expensive than radio ad time, making it the most cost-effective medium.

        ★   Consistent brand reinforcement

       The continuous presence of Outdoor Advertising produces frequency levels unmatched by any other medium. Outdoor advertising is the only type of media that has constant exposure. It can' t be thrown away or turned off. No other type of advertising allows your message to be displayed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

     ♦ Benefits Of Outdoor Advertising

  •  Outdoor advertising targets the mass market.      Builds brand loyalty.
  •  Reinforces the availability of brand.                    Maintains brand dominance.
  •  Re-assures the consumer of the brand choice.      Reaches markets.
  •  Good visibility.                                                Strategically located.
  •  coverage, frequency and impact.
  • The outdoor advertising is a simple and effective way of delivery of the advertising       message to Target audience
  •  Outdoor advertising is effective in the decision of tactical marketing problems.
  •  High quality of consumer contact with the advertising message.